Monday, December 14, 2015

A Winter Snow

I love listening to Christmas music. I am one of THOSE people that are tuned in to THAT one radio station before Thanksgiving to start my Christmas music jam out season! What you may not realize though, is for me music speaks to me more than a preacher preaching on Sunday morning. For me it only takes one song, one line in song, one verse, one chorus, to grab my heart and soul! Today, it happened...

Winter Snow by Chris Tomlin featuring Audrey Assad

This song absolutely grabbed me at lunch today. Struggling at lunch to understand things, I was scanning the radio to find something to sooth my anxious heart. I found it. Or, should I say it found me.

The song talks about all the ways Jesus could have came to us that Christmas night... Like a storm, like a forest fire, like a tidal wave, but instead He came like a Winter Snow, " quiet, soft, and slow."  And, I realized, He is still that way, " quiet, soft, and slow."  Never has He came to me like a storm, fire, tidal wave, or roaring flood. He always has a soft gentle touch to the heart. Quiet moments His presence seem so prominent. He works on you and your heart at slow pace. His patience never runs out. He never gives up, even when we think He has. 

As I am writing, the song is on repeat. The more I listen, the more my heart sings, the more peaceful my soul becomes. He is here. And my thoughts grow. I needed the reassurance He is still with me. He still loves me. He came to Earth in the night to save me, you, and the World. He is our saving grace. We fail Him daily. And He loves us anyway! He came knowing that He would die to save us from our own sins. He loves us that much. I don't thank Him enough, I don't give Him credit enough, I don't praise Him enough. I have fallen short. I am human, but I am His.

As Christmas approaches quickly this year, I have struggled to be all into Elf on Shelf, Santa, and his elves. I have 6 year old who is more than ready for Santa, but I want him to know that Jesus is most important this Christmas Season. He may be small but he loves himself some Jesus.  All the gifts, all the money spent, all the credit card debt just won't equal what Jesus means in this season. His gift of love, life, and forgiveness is priceless. Tonight, while my tree is lit, my stockings hung, I find myself looking beyond all that to see a Savior's birth that changed my life. Isn't it amazing, a baby in a stable, in manger, would change the world a few years later! He made a sacrifice that we could never repay. He loves us that much! He died to save us! Merry Christmas!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Broken for His Plan

As I pulled into the hospital today, I heard the end of a song that caught my attention. I found myself sitting in the car, tears in my eyes, and reality hitting me in the face! It was like a sucker punch out of no where!! What in the world have I been doing? Running. Running from the life He has planned for me! Why? It's scary, especially when you know how broken you are. But in all reality, we are all broken in some shape, form, or fashion.

The song reflects a broken marriage and the couple trying to stay together. But, when God wants to get your attention He can and will use exactly what he knows will get your attention. So there I sat, knowing that I am broken, realizing I'm not the only broken one, realizing that being broken is one way to grow closer to Him.  I sat in my car... Heavy hearted and mind racing. Knowing that I have scars and that He loves me regardless of those scars and broken pieces. And all I can say is, "Thank You!"

I was reminded as well that He knows the plans for our life. His plans are much better than the one we have dreamt up ourselves. I found myself saying I could never have such an awesome plan from God. I'm broken, a mess, nowhere close to where I should be for Him to use me. He quietly reminded me, that my life, my story, is all part of His plan! He wanted me to be broken to help someone else that is broken! And what have I done? Just sat here and been broken. Not using my life, my story, my broken pieces to help someone else.

So I pray that my brokenness, my shattered pieces, my scars are used to help someone else! That through my broken pieces love shines!